My Frequency Cheat Sheet

Updated 9/11/21

A few people have asked for my frequency cheat sheet for the linear sats. So I just decided to post it here for everyone.  Here is the download =>ke0pbr-freq-cheat-sheet 24-04-29 (updated to remove dead sats)

I use this to quickly “find myself” on the linear sats. How I do this is fairly simple, at least in my simple mind.

Here is an example using FO-29, with full duplex, but I think this process could work for simplex ops too.

Each sat has 6 rows, the first 5 are for UHF Doppler adjustments, the last is for VHF:

  1. AOS
  2. 1/2 way between AOS and mid pass
  3. Mid Pass (No Doppler (also green)
  4. 1/2 way between LOS and Mid Pass
  5. LOS
  6. The last row is the 2 Meter non Doppler adjusted frequency (Also Green)

Each satellite, also has columns that range the entire passband, so this can be used across the full spectrum of frequencies.

When I loose myself, I see how far into the pass I am. For this example I will assume the satellite is just past mid pass or a little over halfway done.

I first adjust my VHF to one the closest VHF frequency (lowest green bar) lets say 145.960. Then since the sat is just past mid, I set the UHF at the frequency for mid pass, in this case 435.840. Since we are past mid, I know that I must adjust the UHF frequency lower, because that’s the next line down on the cheat sheet. as I move the frequency down, I know I will hear myself shortly.

One thing to remember, the sats with a red bar on the left of the frequencies Doppler goes down, if there is no red bar, Doppler correction goes up.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!


Excel Version:ke0pbr-freq-cheat-sheet 24-04-29

PDF Version: ke0pbr freq sheet 2024-4-29

8 Responses to “My Frequency Cheat Sheet”

  1. […] will start off by using my frequency cheat sheet available here: Cheat Sheet. If you’re not familiar with how to use the sheet, please read that article. Now that you have […]

  2. Why do you only use 5 frequencies for SO-50 instead of 7 which is what suggests?

  3. Well, I didn’t know they recomend 7 :_)…. I’ve always used 5 and have been very successful

  4. […] 9.Go Linear: This makes getting the rare grids easier. I know the first 10 QSOs on Linear are hard, but after that it is much easier, and you don’t have to fight through the FM chaos. Read this to help: Three Steps to Chasing Rovers on Linears This is also pretty handy: Frequency Cheat Sheet […]

  5. […] the bag. I was able to rest my PTT switch on the lid when not using it and could store items (like KE0PBR’s frequency cheat sheet I laminated and have under the PTT switch in the photo) in the other compartments. When traveling, […]

  6. Nick Garbett Says:

    Thanks for the update Paul ! I think you have mistakenly labelled the XW2/CAS3…It should be XW3/CAS9. Your sheet is INVALUABLE for my roving activities. Best 73 and Happy New Year- Nick M1DDD

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